UPDATE: 10:40pm
The Latest (above,click to enlarge) GFS 36 hour precip shows a wet solution! It also continues to say that the temps. will be around 33-35 degrees. That would be just enough above freezing to keep us from a ice storm. But I think it will colder than around 28 degrees, because of the snow pack and ice pack that is around us. I'll have more tomorrow!
Good Evening,
New Data is rolling in and I will update the blog with maps. Right now, Monday looks to be dry and COLD. But Monday Night through Tuesday we could be set up for a MAJOR ICE STORM. The National Weather Service has already issued a Winter Storm Watch for the whole KC Metro Area from Monday evening through Tuesday. Freezing Rain looks likely. Here are some tips from PK in LS on the NBC Action Weather PLUS blog:
"Getting ready for an ice storm is a matter of some common sense.
If you lose your electricity, you need to know how the power company determines the order of getting your power restored. It is not in the order it goes off. Repairs are determined by how many homes/businesses a single fix will get back on. So if you have buried powerlines and all of your neighborhood is out, that is a good thing. That means the trouble is on a large line or substation or transformer. If you are the only one in your neighborhood without power, you're going to be off a while. That means the problem is in your service from the mainline to your house. And that is a single repair that gets on a single home. You will be at the end of the line. If your service to your house is buried, you are in better shape to stay on than if your service line is above ground.
In case you are curious, my grandfather, father, and brother all worked for the power companies.
If your house is properly insulated, your pipes will not freeze. If you are concerned about them, leave a trickle of hot water running.
Stock up on food that does not need to be heated to be eaten.
Just because electricity goes off does not mean your natural gas is affected.
If all your house phones are handheld receivers, they need electricity to run. Make certain your cellphone is fully charged.
If you lose power, do NOT open up your freezer. Food stays frozen a lot longer in a closed freezer than you can imagine.
Fill up your cars with gas tomorrow."
I'll have another update soon.